Satellite 101

The Student Satellite Team of IIT Bombay proudly presents to you the Satellite 101 Wiki, which is a systematic and organized compilation of the knowledge and the experience gained by us through the journey of Pratham, IIT Bombay's first student satellite. This Wiki is aimed at helping various students and colleges, who wish to start off their own satellite projects.

During the course of Pratham, invaluable knowledge was accumulated by us, which could not be gained through any academic course or from a book, but through experience and rigour, and it needed to be preserved. In parallel, we were approached by several students from all over the country who were seeking help in starting off a Student Satellite Project in their own college/university. Strongly motivated by our social goal to spread our knowledge, we were looking for a way of helping aspiring students in a detailed manner without compromising with the work of our next satellite, Advitiy. To cater to all these requirements, we conceived and launched this Wiki. It is now live at