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== Introduction ==
According to [ Wikipedia], "Crimping is joining 2 pieces of metal or other ductile material (usually a wire and a metal plate) by deforming one or both of them to hold the other. The bend or deformity is called the crimp. " <br \>Crimping is developed to replace the need a good replacement to solder terminations, it . It provides a high very good quality connection between a terminal wire and a wire terminal at a relatively comparatively low applied cost. The methods Which method to use for applying crimp terminations depend depends on the application, and volume, and . The methods range from handheld devices to fully automated systems. <ref></ref><br \>Without If we don't have a thorough good understanding of the crimping process, and all the factors that can affect it, the result may not meet expectationsbe satisfactory. <ref>https://www.mouser. com/ds/2/276/TM-638000029-588559.pdf</ref><br \>The three key elements in the crimping process are the terminal, the wire, and the tooling.
== Terminal ==