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Satellite 101 Wiki Credits

Revision as of 03:44, 9 February 2018 by Yash (talk | contribs)

This Wiki is a collective effort of the members of IIT Bombay Student Satellite Project (IITBSSP), each of whom contributed to this wiki in some way or the other. There are, however, some contributions which deserve special mention, without which this Wiki wouldn't have seen the light of the day.
First and foremost, we'd like to thank the Faculty Advisers of IITBSSP, Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran and Prof. Varun Bhalerao, who provided us with constructive feedback and helped us make the Wiki professional and competent. They constantly watched our backs and ensured that we don't get carried away by our enthusiasm and make wrong decisions in haste.

Next, we'd like to thank Alok Kumar, one of the Web Conveners of IITBSSP, who relentlessly worked in the back end for developing this Wiki and ensuring that it has all the required functionality.

Also commendable are the efforts of Mr. Vinay Narasimhan, the Systems Administrator of the Aerospace Engineering Department at IIT Bombay, without whom it wouldn't have been possible to develop this Wiki. He supported us throughout the process of developing this Wiki, putting up with all our demands and patiently answering all our queries.

Next, we'd like to thank the Faculty Advisers of IITBSSP, Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran and Finally, we'd like to thank Yash Sanghvi, our Project Manager, who conceived this Wiki, directed its creation and reviewed the content on each of the ~100 pages on this Wiki (at the time of launch).

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