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Current Employment

Member of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, since December 1989.


Previous Employment

5 years in the Design & Engineering Department of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

·         November 1984 to March 1988 at Kanpur Division, Liaison with shop-floor and production planning departments in structural design, modifications and repairs of Dornier Do-228 series aircraft and HMG-1 motorized glider.

·         April 1988 to November 1989 at Nasik Division, Liaison with shop-floor and production planning departments in Flight Testing and Aerodynamics of MiG 21 & 27-M series aircraft.


Professional Training

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore, 72 weeks as Design Trainee, 1983-84, (Including Basic Management Program at HAL Staff College)


Practical Training

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum, 1981, 6 weeks. Carried out initial calibration studies of the hypersonic heat transfer wind-tunnel.

Indian Airlines' New Engg. Complex, Bombay, 1982, 4 weeks. Studied the line maintenance procedures for Airbus A-300-B4 series aircraft.