Our annual flagship event, The Ground Station Workshop is majorly aimed at educating engineering
college students and enthusiasts about ground stations so they can set up ground stations or
initiate space and ham-related projects. The workshop is open to all engineering students and
faculty, although non-engineering students can also attend.
Every year students from every corner of the country come to attend this 1-day long free-of-cost
technical workshop. Attendees are taught some of the basic parameters and equipment required to
build a basic ground station by several team members from the Student Satellite Program, IIT Bombay.
They also learn some non-technical aspects such as the intricacies of building and maintaining a
team, cost analysis.
GSW 2022 was conducted virtually on 6th February and 130+ enthusiasts from different engineering
colleges and ham institutions remotely joined us for the workshop. With the presenters in the
institute, the event had some live demonstrations along with online puzzles and quizzes.
We were honoured to have Mr. Ashhar Farhan (VU2ESE), Founder and CTO, Satellize as the keynote
speaker. He shared the journey of the growth of ham radio and wireless communication over the years.
His insights into the operation and scope of a ground station were super helpful for upcoming ham
clubs and enthusiasts.