Shashi Ranjan Kumar

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Dr. Shashi Ranjan Kumar is an Associate Professor at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. The research topics of his group, Intelligent Systems and Control (ISaC) Lab, fall within the broad area of guidance and control of autonomous vehicles. Specifically, his group focuses primarily on designing simple and efficient strategies for guiding autonomous vehicles to achieve various in-flight as well as terminal constraints. These strategies are applicable for various types of vehicles such as fixed-wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs); and are suitable for a variety of applications such as pursuit and evasion, target capture, online delivery system, surveillance and exploration etc. Additionally, the problems related to spacecraft/satellite such as orbit maintenance, attitude control and synchronization, rendezvous and docking, and space robotic manipulators etc. are also being investigated by his group.

Phone: 022 - 2576 7108

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 —  PhD, Aerospace Engineering, 2015, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

 —  ME, Aerospace Engineering, 2010, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

  • Advisor: Debasish Ghose

  • Thesis: Sliding Mode Guidance for All-Aspect Interceptors with Terminal Constraints

  • Other Project: Design and Fabrication of a Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

 —  BTech, Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2008, MIT Muzaffarpur, [Presently affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University (AKU)]

  • Thesis: Design, Testing, and Validation of Transceiver Circuits for Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

  • Other Project: Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) Implementation of 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)


Recognitions & Awards

  • C1973 Research Excellence Award, 2024, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

  • Hotchand and Jamunabai Lala award for Excellence in Teaching in year 2022, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

  • Excellent Reviewer Award in AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2021-22, 2023-24.

  • One of the papers listed as "Highly cited paper in the field" in ISI Web of Science and also ranked 1 in Google Scholar Metrics in the last five years (during 2013-2017, 2014-2018, and 2015-2019) appearing in AIAA-Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.

  • Two of the papers among “Highly Cited Articles (3rd and 6th ranking)” in Google Scholar Metrics in the last five years (2012-2016) appearing in AIAA-Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.

  • Two of the papers listed as 16th and 23rd most cited articles in AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics for the all-time, in November 2020.

  • Two of the papers listed in “Highly Cited Articles” in Web of Science, and “99%ile” and one in 98%ile of Citations in Scopus.

  • Field citation ratios (FCR) for some of the papers: 70, 38, 37, 15, 9.31.

  • Four of the papers having "Field-Weighted Citation Impact" of more than 9 (with the scores of 14.78,,9.61) in Scopus.

  • Three of the papers appeared in “5 Most Read Articles” of the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.

  • Young Faculty Award, IIT Bombay (2017).

  • ACC Student Travel Award (2013, 2014).

  • DST International Travel Support, Science and Engineering Research Board (2013).