Personal Information
Full Name: Prof. Avijit Chatterjee
Building: Aero Annex
Phone: 25767128
Email: avijit[at]

Specialization: Aerodynamics


    GNU  S.Korea,   ADA Bangalore, Technion Haifa, 

    IIT Bombay, UF FL

Awards & Fellowships




  • A multilevel numerical approach with application in time-domain electromagnetics, Communications in Computational Physics, (2015).
  • Reducing aircraft radar cross section with owl wing type serrated trailing edges ( with Sai Teja & Manoj Vaghela), Current Science, (2017)
  • Higher-order multilevel framework for ADER scheme in computational aeroacoustics (with Subodh Joshi) , Journal Computaional Physics, (2017)
  • A p-variable higher-order finite volume time domain method for electromagnetic scattering  (with Subodh Joshi), Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, (2018)
  • Computing with large time steps in time-domain electromagnetics (with Nikitabahen Makwana), Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, (2018)
  • Analyses and implications of higher order finite volume methods on first-order macroscopic traffic flow models  (with Sreekumar M,  Subodh Joshi & Tom Mathew), Transportation Letters (2019)
  • Computing with large time steps for electromagnetic wave propagation in multilayered homeogenous media (with Nikitabahen Makwana), Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, (2019).
  • Reducing wing observability to radar using microserrations at leading edge (with K Sai Krishna Reddy), Current Science (2019)
  • A-posteriori diffusion analysis of numerical schemes for application to propagating linear waves  (with Subodh Joshi), Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (2021).
  •  Automated adaptive TFSF method for solving time domain Maxwell's equations (with Vaibhav Shah ,K. Anandhanarayanan),   International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields (2021)
  •  A multi-class first-order traffic flow model to explain the disordered behaviour of vehicles (with Sreekumar M,  Subodh Joshi & Tom Mathew), Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (2021)
  • Divergence error based p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin solution of time-domain Maxwell's equations," (with Apurva Tiwari), Progress In Electromagnetics Research B (2022)
  • Pathogen spread prediction in a large lecture hall using CFD modeling (with G. Bhat) , Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies (2023)
  • Shock wave interaction with a naturally generated vortrex ring (with Swapnil Ahire), Physics of Fluids (2024).
R&D Areas/Projects: 

    CFD, Computational Electromagnetics, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Design

    Projects (recent):

    • RCS analysis of AMCA intake duct and code development for radar absorbing materials, ADA, Bangalore
    • RCS of coated cavities in flying wing configurations, ADA Bangalore

    Committee member (Aircraft  Design/Procurement): 

    • Avro replacement - Transport Aircraft for IAF  (MoD)
    •  TRL  review AMCA  (ADA)
    • Design review (Aerodynamics) LCA AF MK 2 (ADA)

    Editorial Board::

    International Journal of CFD (IJCFD)

Courses Taught: 
  • Aerodynamics of Aerospace Vehicles 
  • Aircraft Design
  • Numerical Methods Conservation Laws
  • Aircraft Design Laboratory (with others)
  • Aircraft Design Project  (usually in Autumn semester)


Talk at ADA Bangalore (May 2024)  (Edge effects and related design issues in aerodynamics and beyond...)


Currently I do not have summer/winter internship type positions with me for non IITB undergraduates and am thus not able to respond to email requests.  Apologies for the same.