Vision & Mission
The Aerospace Department, IIT Bombay seeks to establish traditions which will foster creativity and growth of excellence. It has the following broad objectives :
- To provide the best possible educational facilities for training bright students for the careers in Aerospace Engineering.
- Render excellent teaching to our students
- Nurture an ambiance of learning
- Creativity and research development technology linked with economic growth and well-being of the country
- To provide a creative atmosphere in which higher studies and research thrive both amongst the students and the faculty.
- To organize short intensive courses, conferences and seminars on current technological developments which will be of benefit to the surrounding community.
- To provide research and development consultancy which will promote contact with and be of service to industries and to government and Civic Organizations.
- To organize quality improvement programs for faculty members from various engineering colleges.
- To provide leadership in curriculum design and development.
The Department cherishes the hope that its graduates will be the leaders of tomorrow. Their education is patterned with this in view. Besides making available facilities for higher education, training and research in various fields of engineering and technology, the Institute contributes to the industrial development and economic growth of the country by preparing a cadre of engineers and scientists, who provide both man power and support R&D work for industries.