Personal Information
Full Name: Prof. Dhwanil Shukla
Room No: 208 E, Aerospace Main Building
Phone: 25767119
Email: dhwanil[at]

Specialization: Aerodynamics


    Professional Experience:

    Assistant Professor: Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (2019-present)



    Ph.D. [Aerospace Engineering]: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (2014 - 2019)

    B.Tech. [Mechanical Engineering]: Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India (2010-2014)

Awards & Fellowships

    1. D. P. Joshi Young Teacher Award, Aerospace Eng. IIT Bombay (2023)
    2. Two-time winner of Vertical Flight Foundation (VFF) scholarship, Vertical Flight Society (Year 2015 and 2017)
    3. President Gold Medal and Institute Gold Medal, IIT Gandhinagar Class of 2014

Please see my google scholar profile for the full and most updated list of publications.

R&D Areas/Projects: 

    Areas of work:

    1. Low-Speed Aerodynamics
    2. Rotorcraft Aerodynamics
    3. Flow Diagnostic Techniques
    4. Drone Design and Development


    Internship Opportunities:

    Students from across the nation are welcome to apply for internships at the Low-Speed Experimental Aerodynamics Lab by filling out the Google form ( Please do not email me to apply for internships as all such emails will be ignored. Applicants will be contacted if there are some openings and their application is found to be relevant to a project in hand.

    Please note that the internships will typically be unpaid/self-funded internships. More details about IIT Bombay's rules for such internships are given here: If you are looking for funded internships from IIT Bombay, please refer to the following website:

Courses Taught: 
  1. Rotary Wing Aerodynamics
  2. Gas Dynamics
  3. Low Speed Aerodynamics
  4. Aerodynamics Lab